Success Stories

What Clients are Saying…

Colorpuncture therapy reminded me of acupuncture without the needles. Lisa lovingly got to the core of my deepest emotional pain and through intense release, brought me to a place of peace, joy and love not only for myself but for others. Thank you, Lisa, for sharing your gift of healing with this profound and skillfully used technique. You are amazing.

Gratefully served, Kathryn Clouther April 2015


Due to Restless Leg Syndrome, I didn’t have a good night’s sleep for over 3 years.  After one session, it was gone.  I feel so refreshed and energetic now that I am able to sleep through the night. Wow, what a difference.  I am grateful.  

PJ, Surprise, AZ 2015


I called Lisa because I had enough of men.  I couldn’t believe my luck.  Not only with men I dated but also in business and even my own son and I didn’t get along all that well.   I just  filed a lawsuit against a man who I bought a business from.  Lisa revealed that I had an underlying belief that “I could not trust men”.  I didn’t realize this.  I just thought I had really bad luck with men.  After we cleared this old, sabotaging vibration, I met a wonderful man.  We’ve been dating and just having a great time.  My business is growing.. And, I’m getting along so much better with my son.  Life is so much easier and more enjoyable now that I do trust men  and I only attract trustworthy men into my life!

Meredith, March 2016


After the Releasing Your FEARS teleclass, I had a lot more energy and clarity.  I wasn’t’ afraid to make decisions and I found myself making better decisions. You helped me come clean with my family about my money issues.  They were actually undestanding, and  one  change  I’ve made  will save my family over $1600 during the next year.   What a load off my shoulders. Thank you Lisa.  

Deborah B.,OR 6/24/05


I was  very skeptical – healing over the phone?? But, I have to say, these healings sessions have been incredible.  I can feel it working on multiple levels.  I can tell I need the Colorpuncture / Energy work and the psychotherapy techniques you combine into each session. This has really helped me see things differently and let go.  I am feeling so much better now.  I always look forward to our sessions.

Carolyn Bonner, St. Croix 5/5/05


I wanted to let you know that that treatment for the balancing hormones worked! I feel really great and my libido seems to be re-balancing as well YEAH!! So I thank you.

Love Janet H., WA 5/18/05


I have more energy and clarity since our session.

Marilyn Vaughn, KS 6/05


Lisa’s compassion and listening abilities are the perfect balance to the workshop. She has a very healing presence.

Laura F.Sedona, AZ  2/05


I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your help with my fear of driving and through the loss of my baby.  It really helped a lot and I noticed instantly…the first time I drove after your working with me I wasn’t so intense and scared.  I am now able to travel at speeds closer to the speed limit or at the speed limit (it has taken some time) whereas before I was just driving about 35mph everywhere, including on highways and .  It’s so much better and I know your energy and expert knowledge helped a million times more than the average person would think.  

Jodi Stephens, ID  7/1/05


You were right about my treatment.  I didn’t realize I was holding anger in my body.  After your treatment, I did the exercises you suggested and I released 14 pages of anger.  Wow, I was surprised.  I feel great now.  My body doesn’t hurt and I can think clearly again. Thank you.

Lisa Hartman, Sedona, AZ  6/05


I have had pain in the coccyx for over forty years.  After your treatments, the pain is completely gone. Thank you.

A. Jensen, Sedona, AZ 4/05

After you did that treatment last year, my allergies didn’t bother me at all for then entire season. That was a wonderful relief.

Sue Hahn, Tempe  AZ March 05


I suffered with Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome and Fibromyalgia for over 25 years. I had tried herbs, acupuncture, tonics, you name it.  After just one colorpuncture treatment, I felt like a new person. I couldn’t believe how good I felt, and still feel. That was over a year ago and I still feel great. Sometimes I get a little tired –like everyone, but I have not had that bone-crushing tiredness that I always felt before finding colorpuncture.

Jean D.   Tucson, AZ


While visiting Nepal, I became deathly ill for weeks. I think I had a parasite. My Dad called Lisa and asked for help. Lisa did a long-distance healing on me. The next morning I felt great but I still went to the hospital to get checked out, just in case.  Everything was okay. They gave me antibiotics but I never took any. Thank you Lisa. Now I can enjoy the rest of my stay in Nepal. Thank you, again.

Sonya D.  Phoenix, AZ


I have been on deaths’ door for 1 ½ years.  During your long-distance healing over the phone, I felt like torpedoes were going through my meridians. Nothing has ever helped like this, and I have been to many healers. Thank you, thank you. I’m also looking forward to getting your healing  CD.

Cheryl R.  Dallas, TX


I suffered with a draining ear for over two years.  I went to healers, MD’s, specialists, took antibiotics and nothing helped. Lisa did one healing session using colorpuncture and energy work. My ear cleared up immediately and it lasted for over 8 months.  I’ve had ear problems all my life. I’m so thankful for your healing. It’s wonderful to be able to hear again.

Vivian W.   Queen Creek, AZ


It’s like receiving a two hour massage. I’m so relaxed after receiving a treatment.

Terri Newlon, Holistic Consulting Co., Sedona, AZ


When I started my healing treatments with Lisa, I was going through an unexpected divorce, being audited by the Arizona Department of Revenue, a car accident, being demoted at work, I had no family or real close friends in Colorado, and I was a terrible emotional mess… I was at a point in my life that dying seemed more desirable than getting out of bed the next morning.   This landed me on suicidal watch by my manager. After the second treatment with Lisa, there was a noticeable difference in my attitude towards life. I was actually interested in LIVING and doing something with my life again… I have also been given more responsibilities at work… I like my job much more now and am able to think with clarity and clear direction…  Lisa has also been helping me clear out deeply engrained childhood issues. Lisa has given me tools that I can use throughout my life and I am dedicated to practicing them on a daily basis. I know difficult situations will come up in the future, but I feel more prepared to handle them now.

D. Allen, Denver CO 8/13/04


I am so thankful you did this class. I have had insomnia for 20 years with many of the other ailments. I have been sleeping more hours and I am hopeful that doing more sessions with the CD will be the answer.  This is the first thing I have done that has made a difference. I have tried many alternatives and sleeping pills. Thank you.  Thank you Lisa.  

Blessings, Barbara


I feel like I am LIVING now, not just SURVIVING.

Deborah B. OR, 7/04


That was some powerful stuff you taught me yesterday. I just get so excited about the whole thing. 

Sue H. AZ 7/26/04


Lisa’s energy is so healing because she is focused on love.

Anthony A. Sedona Arizona